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2024-25 Women's Freestyle Camp Series Announced

By Gabby Lord-Klein, 08/23/24, 4:15PM CDT


Let’s keep the women’s freestyle momentum going in Wisconsin! The Wisconsin Wrestling Federation will host a women’s freestyle camp series from September to April at various locations across the state.

Right now—fresh off an outstanding summer for our National Teams, and an incredible awe-inspiring Olympic Games for the women of Team USA—is a perfect time to integrate our freestyle training camps into your plan for the season ahead. Our coaches worked together to build a curriculum for development that will be led at these camps by various national team coaches.

Returning in 2024-25! Each camp will have a focused discussion topic to help you level up in all areas of your wrestling career—including guidance for planning your season and journaling tips, picking your best competition weight, highlights from life after wrestling (career, etc.), proper nutrition practices, and creating a college recruiting profile. This season, topics and camp techniques will be posted online so you can review or catch up if you miss a session!

The series is open to all Wisconsin 14U, 16U, and Junior women with a USA Wrestling athlete membership. The cost to attend is $25 per athlete, per camp, and will be collected onsite. 

Camp Dates & Locations

  • September 22nd at Team Nazar Training Center (Madison)
    Discussion: Creating a long-range planning calendar for your season and journaling - Women’s Director Neysa Bianchi
  • October 19th at Victory School of Wrestling
    Discussion: My best weight and life after wrestling - Coaches Alisha Howk and Josie Bartishofski
  • November 3rd at UW-Stevens Point
    Discussion: Creating a profile for college coaches - Coach Jake Wozniak
  • December 8th at BAM Higher Level Wrestling
    Discussion: Nutrition and weight management before, during, and after competition - TBA.
  • CANCELED: January 26th at AWA Green Bay*Olympic Champion Sarah Hildebrant will be running a camp at AWA North Shore on this date - athletes grade 6 - 12 should attend!
  • March 29th at AWA Advance
    Discussion: Match and tournament management - TBA.
  • April 19th at Aviators Wrestling Club
    This camp will take place after the Aviators International Wrestling Tournament and will be a great opportunity to address concerns after April competitions in preparation for WWF Freestyle State, Natl. Duals, and Fargo. It will be a fun fine-tuning camp with a chance to train with wrestlers from other countries!
  • May 4th - Training Team Camp #1 at Mauston Talon Training Center
    This is the first of three training team camps that the WWF hosts after Freestyle State! The camp in Mauston is open to all WI female wrestlers like the camps above, and then the National Duals and Fargo prep camps are reserved for those athletes qualified for those individual teams.

Camps feature two sessions each and are designed to be welcoming for experienced wrestlers and newcomers alike! All camps have the same schedule:

9:30 a.m. - 9:55 a.m., athlete check-in
10:00 a.m. - 12 Noon, practice session I
12 Noon - 12:55 p.m., lunch break
1:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m., practice session II

See you at camp! 

Get an early start on renewing your USA Wrestling membership for the 2024-25 season by logging into the membership system at!

The Wisconsin Wrestling Federation, guided by USA Wrestling, provides quality opportunities for its members to achieve their full human and athletic potential. Wisconsin Wrestling Federation will strive to be USA Wrestling’s best state organization.